[1993, Originally published in “Anthropology of Tibet and the Himalaya”] In East Nepal, early in this century, an extraordinary uprising took place. Led by a woman of exceptional…
Published in Ceramics Monthly, March 1993. By Barbara Nimri Aziz. Tibet’s otherwise bleak, brown land scape is sometimes broken by rust-col- ored hillocks. Located just beyond the mud…
July 28, 2018 on Asia-Pacific Research They appear a hapless collection of desperate village lads lured by false promises, making their way to a hostile place fraught with…
आश्विन २०, २०७५ काठमाडौँ — सन १९८० ताका नेपालमा तानाशाही शासन थियो । त्यसैले योगमायाको सेरोफेरोका घटनामा चासो राख्नु एउटा खतरा मोल्नु नै थियो । नेपालभरि नै असहमत व्यक्तित्वको रूपमा…
August 31, 2018 on Counterpunch.org When I found myself well into my career as an anthropologist specializing in Himalayan peoples, I came across an historical episode concerning two…
January 4, 2019 on Counterpunch.org Three sturdy trekkers step out of a van and hoist top-heavy blue, green and orange rucksacks onto their backs. The two young women…
January 16, 2019 on Counterpunch.org “Every family has someone outside.” Conversations about Nepal’sdysfunctional economy invariably lead to its four million citizens, mainly young men, working abroad. (Some say…