July 5/21 by BNimri Aziz. Being a widow presents difficulties for many young women in South Asia. This includes Nepal where Durga Devi Karki, the woman I…
by Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 8, 2021 Naomi Osaka initially garnered global acclaim as a tennis champion. Today she is a rebel. Thank you, Naomi. Seeing how she…
Lisbon-based Nepali anthropology scholar from Sankhuwasabha and Barbara Nimri Aziz talk about her early work in Nepal and her latest book Yogmaya & Durga Devi. March 21, 2021….
NOVEMBER 24, 2017 on Counterpunch.org. It was just a local rumor in a remote Himalayan village. Now it’s a history lesson for children across Nepal. I doubt if…
[Re-print August 12, 2017 on Global Research, originally published in 1978] Aama disappears into the darkened house to light the fire. Flames ignite from hot coals stirred out…
[Re-print August 4, 2017 on Global Research, originally published in 1978] Chait Purnima morning. The essentials for our day’s work are assembled before guest workers arrive on our…
[Re-print July 31, 2017 on Global Research, originally published in 1978] As I cull my writings, I find a few articles undeletable. Even as a historical portrait, some…
In East Nepal, early in this century, an extraordinary uprising took place. Led by a woman of exceptional ability, it directly challenged the Rana regime and the Brahmanically-determined power structure prevailing in Nepal.
आश्विन २०, २०७५ काठमाडौँ — सन १९८० ताका नेपालमा तानाशाही शासन थियो । त्यसैले योगमायाको सेरोफेरोका घटनामा चासो राख्नु एउटा खतरा मोल्नु नै थियो । नेपालभरि नै असहमत व्यक्तित्वको रूपमा…
August 31, 2018 on Counterpunch.org When I found myself well into my career as an anthropologist specializing in Himalayan peoples, I came across an historical episode concerning two…
Rebel Women: Past, Present, and Future
by Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 8, 2021 Naomi Osaka initially garnered global acclaim as a tennis champion. Today she is a rebel. Thank you, Naomi. Seeing how she…