Ode to February

Ode to February

by BNimri Aziz Feb. 11, 2021 counterpunch.org It must have been a winter resident of upstate New York who set  Valentine’s Day in mid-February. Because…

Power Games in and out of Town


by BN Aziz Feb 2, 2021 “Stop Mitch McConnell!” screams yet another message to my inbox. Wait a minute; I understood that the power Mitch…

Made in Bangladesh


Film Review by Barbara Nimri Aziz Sept, 1, 2020 Counterpunch.org If you’re gathering evidence of the victimization of Muslim women, this is not your film.…

The Moor’s Account–Book Review


by Barbara Nimri Aziz, Dec, 2015 Counterpunch.org Stories wrapped in stories generate yet another story. Interwoven, layered tales are a feature of Arabic culture, epitomized…

Scheherazade’s Legacy


Foreword by Barbara Nimri Aziz to Susan Muaddi Darraj Scheherazade’s Legacy: Arab and Arab American Women Writing, 2004 Inevitably, a time arrives in a people’s…

Year End Review of Some Good Books


by Barbara Nimri Aziz Mine is not a list of new releases. I’m moving backwards–a positive move. That is to say, I’m not reading the…