by Barbara Nimri Aziz. December 7, 2021 It’s long past time for a reckoning by Washington on its disastrous policy in Syria. Instead of addressing the scope and…
By B Nimri Aziz Have you noticed: moral issues are no longer the domain of clerics and philosophers? Not politicians either. Our ethics, however capricious they’ve become, evolve… By Barbara Nimri Aziz October 26, 2021 Where’s Kamala Harris’s tie-breaking vote power? Celebrated as the first U.S. woman vice president, Harris would also head the U.S….
September 2, 2021 by Barbara Nimri Aziz “A Son” and “She Had a Dream”, both from Tunisia, are distributed in the U.S. this fall through Art Mattan’s African…
August 22, 2021 by BNimri Aziz America’s rotting two decades of war and occupation in Afghanistan is oozing an awful stench from its bloated corpse, with the entire…
August 3, 2021 by BNimri Aziz “When will they lift the blockade?” A polite smile did not hide her deep anxiety. She wasn’t Venezuelan, not Iranian, not Syrian,…
by B. Nimri Aziz July 29/2021 Congratulations to Syrian table tennis Olympian Hend Zaza. Most press attention to Zaza’s Tokyo presence is her age. Not only has she…
July 16, 2021 by BNimri Aziz Oprah vs Noam Chomsky. Isn’t there room for both in progressive American culture? The idea of celebrities being involved in social issues…
by Barbara Nimri Aziz June 16, 2021 Residents of Sheikh Jarrah’s resistance to eviction by Israeli Jews evolved into a military confrontation so lopsided, the Israeli bombardments against…
Vicissitudes of Syria War Reporting
by Barbara Nimri Aziz. December 7, 2021 It’s long past time for a reckoning by Washington on its disastrous policy in Syria. Instead of addressing the scope and…