Co-editors: BN Aziz and M. Kapstein Available along with Tibetan Frontier Families through Garuda Books

Only in the 1980s, did Tibetan Studies expand to include a wide range of issues and disciplines. This volume is representative of that emerging and healthy diversity:– an enriching dialogue among scholars in linguistics, philosophy, history, sociology and anthropology, Buddhism, politics, phonology, musicology, iconography and art, poetry, architecture, liturgical studies, hagiography and biography.
More than a quarter of authors represented here were born in Tibet or nearby Himalayan regions. Thirty-four international scholars, including two Chinese presenters joined the 2nd International Conference of Tibetan Studies convened by BN Aziz in 1982 at Columbia University, NY. Some papers were edited to incorporate discussions from the seminar proceedings.
First published in 1984 by Manohar, New Delhi, the volume was reprinted (unchanged) and reissued in 2009 by Vajra Books, Kathmandu. (This seminar was the sequel to the 1980 Oxford Conference of Young Tibetologists. See photos here. Help identify participants at the Oxford gathering in this photo.