Syria’s Survival

Syria’s Survival

AUGUST 28, 2017, Syria’s current struggle against multiple assaults is not over by any means. It remains in a highly vulnerable state. Its people…

Iraq Then, Syria Now

Iraq Then, Syria Now

APRIL 16, 2018, When will you get the message? Comply, as Jordan, Egypt and others did and we’ll protect your leaders, ensure favorable press,…

Indian Philosopher as Tibetan Folk Hero Legend of Langkor: A New Source Material on Phadampa Sangye

Indian Philosopher as Tibetan Folk Hero Legend of Langkor: A New Source Material on Phadampa Sangye

Among the Indian siddha who made their way across the Himalayas into Tibet almost a millennium ago is the dark one called Pha Dampa Sangye…

The Story of Pha Dampa Sangyas’ Journey to Tibet

The Story of Pha Dampa Sangyas’ Journey to Tibet

Pha Dampa Sangyas was the son of an Indian Brahmin couple who grew up in that most holy of lands many centuries ago (~1050-1117?). From…

Nepal: Women’s Art and Politics – Part III

Nepal: Women’s Art and Politics – Part III

[Re-print August 12, 2017 on Global Research, originally published in 1978] Aama disappears into the darkened house to light the fire. Flames ignite from hot…

Women’s Art and Other Work in Nepal’s Hill Country – Part II

Women’s Art and Other Work in Nepal’s Hill Country – Part II

[Re-print August 4, 2017 on Global Research, originally published in 1978] Chait Purnima morning. The essentials for our day’s work are assembled before guest workers…