Nepal’s Economy – Can Contented Tourists Match Desperate Migrant Laborers?

Nepal’s Economy – Can Contented Tourists Match Desperate Migrant Laborers?

July 21, 2018 on  Asia-Pacific Research. A busy air route between Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan Airport and overseas is via the communications hub of The Arab Emirates.…

Satellite Broadcasting

Satellite Broadcasting

MAY 31, 2005, Toward Freedom “One thing about our part of the world,” said an Iraqi professor enthusiastically; “it’s always changing. We don’t usually know…

Film Review: Midnight (Afghan) Travelers — Family Stories from Ground Zero, by a New Generation of Filmmakers

Film Review: Midnight (Afghan) Travelers — Family Stories from Ground Zero, by a New Generation of Filmmakers

By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 1, 2020 For two decades now, following U.S. invasions of Afghanistan, then Iraq, and as we approach ten years of…

Muslim Heroines Find their Way into New American Literature

Muslim Heroines Find their Way into New American Literature

By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 21, 2020  Years ago in John Killins’  writers’ workshop of largely African Americans, one member woefully explains the thwarted plot…

“It’s Only a Car!”

“It’s Only a Car!”

OCTOBER 27, 2016, CarTalk, in my view, is the most engaging program on US radio, on radio anywhere. A weekly one hour show, it’s…

The Power of Our Human Voice: From Marconi to Woods Hole

The Power of Our Human Voice: From Marconi to Woods Hole

JULY 15, 2019, Heard “Trader Joe’s” podcast yet? I don’t know who would listen to a 22-minute corporate ad. But, given how cool podcasts…