03/24/21 sponsored by Muslimish-USA, with speakers Ginan Rauf, BN Aziz, Zeinab Assaf Lecanu and Wafa Bakri. Hosted by Wissam Charafeddine.
Nawal El-Saadawi’s recent passing became an occasion for many people familiar with her work to speak about her legacy. Amon the tributes were video gatherings like this one arranged by Wissam Charafeddine. Dr. Ginan Rauf focused on el-Saadawi’s feminist heroine Ferous, the character in her early novel “Woman at Point Zero” which remains one of her most powerful presentations that challenges all our assumptions about heroic women in society, Arab or other. Aziz recalls her personal encounters with e-Saadawi in Egypt and in the US, pointing to the collaboration between the physician-writer and her husband and translator Sherif Hetata. Zeinab Lecanu and Wafa Bakri take a more academic approach to el-Saadawi’s contribution to feminist thinking Viewers may also pursue discussions of el-Saadawi in the March 28 tribute organized by Prof. Fawzia Afzal-Khan attached to this Counterpunch article: